Z Zoccolante

Author, Actress, Fairytale Dreamer

Welcome. This is what I do!

Words are the first magic. They document experience and provide fascinating glimpses into the psychology of virtue, vice, and the in-between. Stories form symbiotic relationships and allow us to journey on quests to far off lands, or the distant shadows within. In the end, we all want the same basic things; we just define them differently and follow our own paths. I invite you to come along with me as we challenge the mind’s lies, learn to love our bodies from within, and fill ourselves with the nourishment we truly crave.

Does your happily ever after actually exist? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes!

For a decade, I had an eating disorder. My mind whispered incessant lies and I believed them, like Gretel mindlessly picking up candy along the path to the witch's house. Along the path, I learned a ton about the witch, the forest, Hansel, and myself. In the end, I knew too much and one day I escaped from the witch. Now, I am free and happy. I want to share the secret truths I discovered and show you how you can use them to empower your life. Contact me to set up a coaching consultation. If you would you like a free subscription to my weekly blog and audio podcast, register below.