The Catch 22 of Having Dreams

Posted By on Apr 24, 2014 | 8 comments

Having dreams can be hard. Do you ever wake up sometimes and wish you had nothing to accomplish in this world, nothing to do, to leave behind as your fingerprint on a happier more loving world?

I sometimes wish there were a magical force that said, “Z, in this life, I give you permission to do nothing. Sink into the couch and watch Netflix all day. Read books in the sun. Be super duper lazy.”


But alas, there is no magic voice, and I often wonder if it is our nature to drive ourselves forward, or if instead, it’s me that propels  myself on, feeling the pin prick of guilt when I take a brain coma day, and watch TV for hours on end. Why do we have an intrinsic force that pushes us towards our goals and dreams?


I was pondering this today as I ran an errand and found myself asking, “What if I just gave up?” Immediately my brain said, “No you can’t do that!”


Me: Why not?

Brain: Because then you would fail.

Me: But I sometimes feel like I’m failing now.

Brain: No, you only fail if you give up.

Me: Ok, so why is that frowned upon again?

Brain: The giving up failure is. Because, we have potential inside us. We each have our own song that if we fail to sing, no one will ever hear, and we will go to our graves with our beautiful music locked within us.

Me: Did you hear that on Facebook?

Brain: So what if I did? It’s true.

Me: (Trying to remember how the actual quote went.)

Brain: Fine. I don’t care. Just give up. Do nothing with the rest of your life.

Me: (Sigh) No, of course I’m going to keep going. I just don’t want to be like Van Gogh and have his work noticed only after his death.

Brain: Why would that matter if your goal were to reach people?

Me: Because, it would be depressing for me, in my current life, plus I don’t think it’s ridiculous to want to reach people during my actual lifetime.

Brain: Valid point. Also fyi, VAN GOGH painted Starry Night from the view he saw outside the window of his sanatorium. He had an actual mental disease. You, do not.

Me: Noted.


On the way home I think about my conversation with myself, about how I know I’m not going to give up, but how dreams require a lot of time and patience, like building a house brick by brick. Yesterday, I read an amazing book about a girl who has cancer, so death is on my mind. It rolls around like a slippery stone on a wet floor. I think about how we, as humans, have a difficult time giving things up, whether it’s food, or toys, or relationships that no longer serve us. There are so many books and seminars on the “art of letting go.”


I think about humans and how, even in the direst of situations, we fight for life. Our bodies themselves fight to stay alive as though they are acting separate from ourselves. It is almost impossible to drown yourself without assistance, because there is something primal and innate within us, that resists death, that fights to stay here, even though, here, may be unpleasant.



Years ago, a friend referenced a beautiful quote by Anais Nin that I always remember.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin


I think about death, not just physical, but the death of our dreams, if we forced them underwater to hold their breath. All living things fight to live. Dreams too, can be living things, and just as such, also resist their own death. The body, and our dreams fight back against us with a heroic pulse, to live until we cannot live anymore, until the pain of change floods over the pain of remaining the same.


It is only in the last moment of death, that we let go and let it wash over us, that the body gives in. Maybe it’s the last to trust the unknown? Maybe it took that final drop of water to push the pendulum over, knowing that it had done everything it could do.


When my marriage went through a slightly horrible war, I remember exactly where I was standing when a friend asked me, “Have you done everything that you could possibly do to work it out?” I remember it so clearly, because the answer was no, I had not, and if she had not asked me that I may have looked back on things now, or later, with regret.


I think that question is similar to the path of our dreams. Yeah, sometimes they suck. Sometimes it feels like you’re failing, or that you’re on stair one of a million mile staircase, that you just hammered the first nail in your mansion. Dreams take patience, consistency, and determination. They are not for the faint of heart.


But, if you are like me, and you cannot kill your dream, as much as you may sometimes ponder their death, then I will leave you with a final thought.


Just as you fight for your dream, your dream also fights for you, with a heroic pulse that resists death until its final blossom.

dahlia-373762_640With Love,

Z :)




  1. Avatar

    Beautifully expressed contemplation…I love your work, I will always be a big fan! Keep your dream alive…for you inspire and create with your heart…and are an amazing soul, a gift to our world! Love u

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    • christenzzoccolante

      Thank you <3.

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  2. Avatar

    Again, another WOW! You are a woman of great abilities and conscience. You can never quit because that is not in your DNA. You are here on earth to achieve great things and you will! Not all great things are Big things, nor are they something that everyone will profit from but you are here to make a difference. You may not realize it but you are already making a difference to each and every person’s lives that you touch. Keep up the great work and never stop dreaming.

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    • christenzzoccolante

      yes. Sometimes the big things are actually the small things, even the ones that no one sees. I love that. Thanks :)

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  3. Avatar

    Thanks for another great post Z! Here’s what I’m learning…It’s important to remember that accepting where we are right at this moment is perfect for our own growth. No self judgments about the times we watch Netflix all day or are super duper lazy. It’s not easy trying to define who we truly are and where our path lays. The key is learning to listen to our intuition and allow it to pull us forward. Doubt and fear are never true and does not come from intuition. To fail is to learn. Motion creates emotions and therefore momentum. Thinking about it is not motion. So we can make the decision to stop thinking about it (which is a form of motion) or let the thoughts unfold and take us somewhere.

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    • christenzzoccolante

      Great to hear that you liked it. I love your thoughts on it. “Motion created emotions and therefore momentum.” It reminded me of a melting of acting and life. Intuition, trust, and acceptance. . . . as I’m about to watch the Simpsons. :)

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  4. Avatar

    Excellent ….what is left if we can’t dream?…most of the great accomplishments were born in dreams…DON’T EVER GIVE UP YOUR DREAMS

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