Z’s Wonderland

A Word of Comfort in Times of Struggle By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this wonderful blog in the blue box below!)   If you’re in a time of crisis or trauma, it’s probably not your first, and it won’t be your last. But when we’re in the hurricane, and our lives feel pulled at the seams, we might feel as though the storm will never end – that the pain will engulf us, or that the world will never again be bright.  ...

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Why You Can Love the Person That Hurt You By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this wonderful blog in the blue box below!)   I sit on my patio peacefully sipping coffee out of my little pink mug while my dog Vega wanders by the open window behind me. There’s a hiss and a cat screech and my dog barrels backwards. My cat is such a witch, I think, as Vega comes into view, her eyes searching the open window where my cat has...

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One Thing to Remember in Life’s Dark Times By Z Zoccolante (Listen to audio of this post in the blue box below)   Yea, though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me. – Psalm 23:4 KJV   When I was in forth grade we performed the 23rd Psalm for chapel and each the students was assigned one verse to memorize and recite in order.     Listen to or download the podcast of...

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How to Restore Your Broken Heart By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio in the blue box below)   Joy and celebration are among the beautiful parts of life. But as night has its day and light has its dark, there is always contrast – a bright and a shadow side of all things.   Heartbreak is a terrain we all travel at least once in our human journey. I’m not taking about the feeling of sadness, but rather when your heart has been...

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My One Wish For Your Marriage By Z Zoccolante (Listen to audio in the blue box below)   This week I RSVP’d to a friend’s wedding. Their save the date magnet on my fridge is a photo of them standing toes deep in the ocean, their arms cradling each other in embrace, in mid laughter, her head tilted up, exhaling joy from her parted lips.   Soon they will begin their adventure as a married couple, traveling through life on...

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Is Your Relationship Unhealthy? by Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this post in the blue box below)   I’ll always remember the afternoon I stood in the kitchen making lunch with a friend. In a tangent of conversation she told me how she was once in an abusive relationship. She was smart, self-assured, and had an air of straight talking, no tolerance for bull.   She told me that he’d hit her and say mean things to her,...

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