What You Truly Want For Christmas By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this blog in the blue box below!) Growing up, she told herself she was going to be the best actress in the world. Fast forward. She’s at a Christmas drama production she wrote and directed for ESL students. Listen to or download the podcast of this blog. https://zzoccolante.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/What-You-Truly-Want-For-Christmas.m4a...
Read MoreThe Magic Age for Success By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this blog in the blue box below!) When I was a kid I had this idea that by 20, I’d be a movie star and a known author. As I took steps into my early twenties and those things remained over the horizon, I was left with the sinking feeling of failure. It showed up as a nagging voice harassing me with the goals I hadn’t accomplished. Listen to or...
Read MoreHow to ask Follow-up Questions in a Non-Creepy Way By Z Zoccolante (Listen to the audio of this blog in the blue box below!) Some of us are used to unloading our entire day on a friend and then maybe listening as they unload theirs. Even though both parties are talking, this dynamic can be unfulfilling. Conversation 101, might tell us that a dialogue is like a tennis match. Joe hits the ball over the net and Sue scampers...
Read MoreThe Most Powerful Thing you can do for your Relationships By Z Zoccolante Most people don’t like to see others suffer and react to ease discomfort in three popular ways. They avoid a person’s emotional breakdown, jump into fix-it-mode, or begin rewriting their story for them in a positive light. Although people have the best intentions to help, these methods leave the person feeling invalidated and even add to...
Read More6 Ways Artists and Addicts can be Body Present by Z Zoccolante Being an artist is synonymous with being highly creative. The bright side of creativity is that wondrous works of sculpture, painting, writing, music, etc. live on for the world’s enjoyment after the creator has gone. But it’s the shadow side of the art that is sometimes overlooked. Artists often fall into the category of highly sensitive persons. It’s...
Read MoreTwo Ways Falsifying Memory Can Empower You by Z Zoccolante Our memories are a significant part of what makes us, uniquely us. If we lost them then who would we be? We infer from memory that we’re the sum of our experiences. Past events teach us by forming our beliefs about the world. If we grow up in an unsafe environment, we might experience, and thus believe, that people mean to do us harm. If we are teased in...
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