I remember sitting on the black leather couch in my therapist’s office longing to be free from my eating disorder, when she said something to the tune of, “There is no recovered. You get there and then you keep going.” I didn’t like that statement. I so desperately wanted to believe there was a finish line. If I went all the way I’d cross it, and the tape would rip and I could throw my arms up in victory and I’d be done, pau,...
Read MoreI watched the two of them on the tile floor, surrounded by candy. He crawled on his hands and knees while she sat there drooling onto her birthday dress. This might sound strange until I tell you that they’re both a year old. The colorful fishie piñata had just been broken and the candy littered the ground. One of the moms said, “When they find out they can eat it, we’ll be in trouble.” I laughed. Both of their...
Read MoreFrench microbiologist Louis Pasteur once said that, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” It goes to reason then that without preparation, the odds aren’t in our favor. This lesson was apparent as I took a small vacay to San Diego. The last few times I traveled I’d over packed, so this time I removed items from my travel bag, congratulating myself for being such a light traveler. As the first evening in San Diego rolled...
Read MoreMy mind is anxious and drumming, chastising me for an inability to be positive and free at the drop of a feather. I sleep through three alarms. In my dreams I’m on a great adventure in some mystical, magical, far away land. When I roll over to answer a phone call from a friend, my voice is raspy. It sounds like I’ve been cradled in lucid, cocoon-webbed sleep for weeks. For the last few days I’ve been missing places from home....
Read MoreWe met when we were thirteen on the terrifying first day of 7th grade. She eyed me with suspicion as I wandered behind her through the halls. Finally she said, “Are you following me?” I was. As it turned out, we were in every class together. We had sleepovers, ate jellybeans and flipped through magazines, while pondering first kisses. Over a decade later, at dinner, as our chopsticks shovel noodles into our mouths, she...
Read MoreDo you crawl into bed at night, your mind spinning with things you still have to do? Is your only ‘break,’ your five-minute shower, away from your kids? Has your body rebelled, getting sick or hurt, forcing you to take a break? Is your battle cry, “COFFEE, oh Dear God, please coffee!” Is life a tad overwhelming? Truth: Sometimes life gets hard. And NO, I’m not going to tell you to suck it up, or sit with it, or put a fake smile...
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