Skinny is the New Stressed By Z Zoccolante A while back, one of my friends had a baby. She was nursing, working full time, exhausted constantly, and running around like a chicken with her head cut off. It was one day in her office building when a client of hers incredulously gushed at how skinny she was after having the baby and how her body bounced back so well. They wouldn’t let the point go and asked how on earth did...
Read MoreWhat Keeps Us Kind When We Want Revenge By Z Zoccolante Recently, I was listening to an audio story told by Brene Brown. She talked about shame, one of her famous topics, and told a story of a lady who she always leaves feelings slimed. Brene had gone to a prestigious convention and was feeling guilty for not being home for a week with her kids. As she’s waiting at school to pick up her kids, this witch walks up to her car with...
Read MoreIf We Don’t Have Our Health By Z Zoccolante Nothing makes you appreciate your health like getting sick. I remember being a kid and relishing in the last day of sickness – when you’re not feeling totally better, but good enough that you can enjoy watching TV all day and not going to school. And if you’re lucky, having your mom make you food and bring you water and Gatorade. As an adult, being sick doesn’t come with...
Read MoreWe Don’t Have to be Perfect By Z Zoccolante I’m working a project right now to be released in the upcoming months. Some of this project involves writing. A portion of it involves editing an interview I did with my parents. If you’ve ever tried to edit an interview, you’re in for a huge headache. Almost all humans talk in overlapping circles because information in our heads isn’t linear, it’s in this bucket of snakes...
Read MorePurple Flowers and Other Strange Things By Z Zoccolante A year ago something in my life changed forever. Today as I was driving, my gps took me through a random suburban neighborhood where purple flowers littered the branches and rained down on the sidewalks from the jacaranda trees above. I noticed the first tree yesterday while walking to a friend’s house. As I rounded the corner, the sky shone bright blue and purple...
Read MoreThe Joy By Z Zoccolante Even though we’re grown women her son drops us off at the bookstore like we’re teens again. As we walk through the doors we understand we’re in a world of words, of universes alive with every page and space on the shelf. They call to us. We run out fingers over the glossy prints. Never judge a book by its cover they say but is that really true, because titles and the shimmer of designs is always...
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