Feel Like Crap After Social Media? 6 Tips to Reclaim Confidence. by Z Zoccolante You’ve finished your work and feel great about yourself, but then take a scroll through social media. Within minutes your brain’s running circles with your failures. This hijacking of our thoughts happens to the best of us and leaves us feeling icky and listless. Today, our lives are built around technology and social media making us...
Read MoreThe Thing We Crave More Than Addiction by Z Zoccolante Zig Ziglar once told a story of how his barber wouldn’t hire a hair stylist who smoked. His reasoning was that the stylist wouldn’t be focused on his client because when he craved a cigarette his mind would be outside, smoking. The story brings up an interesting point about addiction. Addictions ruin relationships because they steal focus and keep us from being fully...
Read MoreHow to Love Yourself When You’re Feeling BLEH. by Z Zoccolante We show our perfect faces for the world, yet behind the scenes we struggle with similar things. When we’re vulnerable with those things, we risk connecting with others and realize that we all deal with similar emotions. Lately, I’ve had this sinking bleh feeling. I’ve forced myself to wake up before noon, forced myself to work and act like a normal person,...
Read MoreIt Gets Better, but in the meantime, Find What Brings you Joy by Z Zoccolante Childhood can be terrible, my friend stated. It’s important to remind people that it will get better. Between bites of breakfast, the discussion circled the table. When we’re young we don’t have a lot of choices, she explained. Our parents and adults are making choices for us. During a time of awkward adolescence, the high school we attend...
Read MoreI watched the two of them on the tile floor, surrounded by candy. He crawled on his hands and knees while she sat there drooling onto her birthday dress. This might sound strange until I tell you that they’re both a year old. The colorful fishie piñata had just been broken and the candy littered the ground. One of the moms said, “When they find out they can eat it, we’ll be in trouble.” I laughed. Both of their...
Read MoreFrench microbiologist Louis Pasteur once said that, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” It goes to reason then that without preparation, the odds aren’t in our favor. This lesson was apparent as I took a small vacay to San Diego. The last few times I traveled I’d over packed, so this time I removed items from my travel bag, congratulating myself for being such a light traveler. As the first evening in San Diego rolled...
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