Ninja your Mind

Recently, on Pinterest, I saw this wonderful quote. “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.”   This quote held in my mind especially since I am home at my old stomping grounds. It’s easy for me to get caught up in the memory of things, in the past films that play through my head as I wander places that hold years of time. Things change, obviously, but I sift through the memory of them like watching old movies, reminiscing...

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Raccoons – Adorable. Fuzzy. Genius.   They’re pro’s at adapting and are beginning to take over urban neighborhoods.   But how are they so tenacious?   In a recent show, I learned that they always look for new challenges. “If they think that there’s a reward, they continue to try to solve a problem – and to the raccoon there is always the possibility of a reward.”* For Members only Listen to or download the...

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Last week I wrote about yoga’s Utkatasana, “chair pose,” as a metaphor for how we persevere in our lives. Do you find yourself giving up when there is an unknown time limit to your goal? For a refresher of last week’s article: When We Step into the Unknown     Most big goals don’t come with a handy map. How many times have you told yourself something was going to be easy and instead it turned into an epic odyssey?  ...

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The thought of yoga may conjure images of cross-legged meditation or of limbs effortlessly tangled in pretzel formations.To me yoga was synonymous with inner peace, but the reality is not my truth. Yoga makes me angry. I’m perturbed at how holding a posture can bring up so much frustration.   My secret: I’d love to be one of those students who glide through the postures with passion, balance, and joy.   A friend tells me...

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This afternoon the patio door was open and in flew a bee. It swooped through the living room and landed against the huge glass window a few feet from the open door. Through the glass, he saw his home and was determined to get there.   He flew with all his might but kept hitting a force field. He didn’t understand. He could see the trees blowing in the wind. His world was right there and yet he couldn’t get to it. He made up his...

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Everyone is familiar with the question of the cup being half empty or half full. It’s designed to test our mindset and how we view the world. The world is a place of: A) ABUNDANCE   (Yay) B) SCARCITY       (Oh no) Half full or half empty? The answer to this question, determines our peace and joy. Years ago, at a party, a new guest arrived at our circular table. As is customary we played the, ‘what do you do?’ game. She began to...

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