5 Ways To Overcome Clutter And Feel Empowered
by Z Zoccolante
This morning I stumbled upon the article 7 Things the Most Successful People Don’t Do
As I began mentally checking off each number, I came to #5 and stopped:
#5 Successful people don’t tolerate clutter.
“Oh no! I’m that person.”
Exhibit one, my desk:
My husband lovingly tells me I’m a messy roommate because I leave piles around the house on a regular basis.
Although I’m disgusted by a physically dirty space, my mind doesn’t view tiny piles of stuff as “clutter.” My organizational system is geographic so my pattern of leaving items around the house may be due to my mind’s penchant for spatial recognition. As a kid, I was the little princess of the game Memory, beating kids and adults. I’d be drawn toward a section and the card that felt right was the correct match. My brain subconsciously memorized cards by location.
We all have systems of clutter; nonetheless, clutter causes stress in our lives. Perhaps you’ve never questioned your system, or it may be a hot point of contention in your relationships.
Whatever system of clutter you gravitate towards, here are a few tips to help you win the tug-o-war with your clutter bug.
Read the rest here.
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26 May, 2015
Great article. I remember when I was in high school I did the same thing I would get into bed and see my room all cluttered. I would get up and completely clean my room. When I woke in the morning I felt great and my mind felt uncluttered. I bought a book recently “The One Minute Organizer” It talked about starting gradually even 5 minutes on a project and working up to 15minutes a day to organize something. Start with one room and totally clean it. You will feel so good about your progress that you will be motivated to tackle another room another day. Don’t overwhelm yourself about all the work you have to do . Just do what you can today. Great to reward yourself. Hmm! I’m going to clean a room today. :)
26 May, 2015
Thanks. Yes. I like that motto “Just do what you can today.” Also, start today. Z :)