Doing Big Things By Z Zoccolante What’s your dream? The real one. The one that kept you up at night as a kid tracing patterns on the walls of your mind. The one you daydreamt about while working your 9 to 5, or sitting in brain-dead traffic on the highway. The one you wrote about in your journal and put little stars around the page. Maybe the one you’ve never told anyone, the one you’ve never uttered out loud. What is...
Read MoreThe Past is Just a Story We Tell Ourselves By Z Zoccolante I believe it’s important to understand our past, then it’s vital that we move on and put our energy into thinking about creating a future we want. For the past few weeks I’ve been studying for this big exam for school and one of the test questions stood out to me every time. It talked about a woman who’d just been in a crisis situation and the question asked what...
Read MoreOnce Upon a Time I Met a Boy By Z Zoccolante Once upon a time I met a boy. I slid a note under his door inviting him to go watch the stars. He thought it was an innuendo. He ignored me. I could tell he wasn’t happy and my life had fallen partially apart so I thought maybe we could laugh together and find some happiness in the space between. He didn’t trust me. I told him I wanted to be only friends and I wouldn’t mess with him...
Read MoreWhat Surrender Looks Like By Z Zoccolante In life, surrender is required for our peace. What I’ve been acknowledging lately is that safety and security is an illusion. We hold onto things because they provide us something we desire, but the truth is that at any moment in time anything could be taken away from us. The end of my marriage has taught me that anything can happen at any point in time. Against our will....
Read MoreHow to Take Things Personal By Z Zoccolante Today I go to Trader Joe’s with the sole mission of picking up dog treats for my dog Vega. $48 dollars later I’m unpacking my groceries in the kitchen as Vega’s little face looks up at me and I realize I’ve got nothing for her. Are you kidding me self? “I’m sorry,” I tell her, “I’m an asshole and the one thing I wanted to get for you I forgot. And I got all this other stuff...
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