The reason I want fame is for its influence. When you’re famous you can post about your morning latte and people retweet it all day. People take notice.
Underneath the fame lies something we all seek – significance.
I have dreams of getting Santa bags full of letters from recovered people. They tell of the freedom of their new life and the expansion of their minds. Of relationships that have been salvaged from the abyss, and families that have successfully jumped the gorge together. People have survived with gusto and ended up on the other side, where smiles are plenty and the world is imperfectly perfect. Where there is freedom and food holds no demonic charge, and bodies are loved and cared for.
I have dreams of thousands of letters like stacks of hay scattered around the room in the tale of Rumpelstiltskin. The letters of the words don’t point to me. They don’t tell of fleeting whispers that I managed to hone on a page. Instead, they prove that people are magic and we have the power to transform our lives. Just as the story of Rumpelstiltskin goes, we too can weave gold from the hay that litters the floor.
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We can make beauty from our chaos.
What we long for our struggles to say is that we have not fought in vain. That after the battle there will be peace, after the harvest there will be celebration, after we have planted persistently we will look into fields of gold glimmering like waves in the sunlight.
If we believe that we matter in the world then we have a sense of balance, of emotional levitation, of energy that propels us forward.
The same goes for our message. Often, we become nervous or insecure when talking about ourselves, or our writing, art, or experience. Friends have told me that sometimes they feel selfish when they put their work into the world, and are insecure about promoting it.
The vital thing to remember is that often we aren’t promoting ourselves with a big red balloon and arrow pointing down on our heads. The reality is that we’re passionate about the message we’re sharing and that message is bigger than us. The message is bigger than us. This is important so I want to repeat it again.
The message we’re sharing is bigger than us!
If the message is larger than me, it takes the pressure off me being in the spotlight. I become a conduit for a greater message. And face it, that message is always going to be more interesting than little old me. That message is what others take and run down their own paths, towards their own goals, and dreams, and healing. We can be the bearer of great news.
It’s important that we feel that our message matters because it will make us feel as though we matter. During limbo times – while waiting, while working but not seeing the payoff, while gathering courage . . . etc., we can lose heart. We can forget that our work in the world has value, that it matters.
I was feeling out of sorts one day, not enjoying limbo, and feeling pretty bleh, like I wanted to crawl under a warm rock or sleep the day away on the sliver of sunny carpet next to my cat. Then I got a text from someone who listened to my blog, and an email saying it was beautiful and thanks for sharing, and a response about it being inspiring.
The rock levitated off my brain. The lightness that followed reminded me that even though I’m not a big star yet, I can affect people letter by letter, word by word, story by story. Famous or not, it’s about reaching people, like the well-known tale of the man throwing starfish back into the ocean one by one.
“It made a difference to that one,” the man said as he threw one starfish back into the water.
As you go through your day remember that, whoever you are, you have the ability to influence those around you more than you realize. If you have a message, share it bravely and repeatedly. Sharing your work isn’t bragging or being selfish in the telling.
Sharing your work is about believing that your message is bigger than you. (Tweet this)
When you don’t share your work, it does the world a huge disservice.
There is one person out there today who desperately needs what you have to share. Share it for that one.
As a friend told me recently, “Right now someone is cutting themself. Right now someone is throwing up.”
Right now someone is living in chaos, and you could help transform that chaos into beauty. (Tweet this)
You can make all the difference. You matter and your message can be like spun gold.
Z ;)
Check out my latest publication on Adios Barbie: Men, Eating Disorders, and Chasing Impossible Perfection
10 November, 2015
Kia ora Christen,
I remember so well your beautiful prose all those years ago in Ann Hood’s class in Hawaii, and reading “I Invite You To Look Deeper” after we all parted. Your prose and your message is even more beautiful now.
Kia kaha!
10 November, 2015
HI Jenni, it feels like ages ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. I loved our group back then with Ann. Thank you so much for the kind, encouraging words on my writing. And I’m so excited to see you’ve been a rock star with your writing and speaking! I’m so absolutely thrilled for you. xo, Z :)
6 April, 2015
How true it is – one’s words are so important and do make a difference to others. But be careful with the words you share because some find it difficult to accept the truth from others. Why is it that people allow themselves to live in the shadows, on the fringes of the truth, never admitting or accepting what they feel they may not be able to cope with. You have been brave! And you have been true to yourself and to others also. Fame does not mean much – but integrity does!
6 April, 2015
Thank you Rita. It’s easier not to be honest with things because they are often uncomfortable, and we tend to not like discomfort. There has to be a reason to take a look at it. Whether that reason is because you are being “forced” or that you cannot continue life in the current way anymore, there’s a point where we leap. . . or not. Choice. ;). And yes, integrity is what ties the message to something of significance. :)
2 April, 2015
Your message is bigger than you! Love it Z :)))
2 April, 2015
Yes it is! Thanks Olga :)
31 March, 2015
What a great message. Your writings are magical. I know that your spirit and the reason you want to reach fame is not for yourself but to touch, reach and help others. I am sure your positive writings and your hope for others will reach those that need it and they will be healed from any addiction they might have. Love that you have a passion for others happiness.
31 March, 2015
Thank you J. We all have an important message that can help others. Share bravely!